The Fastest way to Increase your Fanbase on Beatstars
Get 10x more followers everyday!
With thousands of beats getting produced every single day, you need to have an edge to be discovered by more users, especially by Artists.
Beatstars Auto-Pilos helps you promote your beats to undiscovered audience through targeted personalized messages, thus increasing your track plays, increasing your followers and drastically improve your chances of being noticed by artists.
The more the artists discover you the more the chances of your sales are, this program is works like beatshine similar, grow your sells!
Beatstars Auto-Pilot opens a Chrome window, logs into your Beatstars account and engages with thousands of users automatically on your behalf everyday to turn them into your followers.
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Beatstars Auto-Pilot is still in Beta, please report any kind of error to our website to improve it better in each update, thanks!